Invoices for labor services

Corporate Fiscal Consulting Q&A
Stare:  În vigoare
Autor răspuns: DRAGOS Cerasela
Dată răspuns: 1 Martie 2020, stare legală neschimbată



A tax Romanian resident company, registered for VAT purposes, paying tax on profit has as its main activity the carrying out of sanitary installations works, being authorized in this regard. As a working procedure, the company is supplied with raw materials, materials, consumables from various profile suppliers and these are installed at the clients' domicile of individuals or at the premises of the legal persons who purchase such services. Each performed work report is coded and tracked in the implemented software depending on the type of building on which the works are performed. The company issues to the client an invoice that takes the name of the goods and materials purchased from third parties, used in the project, at the purchase price. The price difference, agreed with the customer, represents the work, filled-in in the invoice in a separate line. Is the invoicing procedure implemented by the company correct?


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