SORESCU Laurentiu, Vulnerabilităţi procesuale derivate din reglementarea competenţei procurorului în procesul penal

Publicare: Pandectele Romane 1 din 2021
Tip: Doctrina

Vulnerabilităţi procesuale derivate din reglementarea competenţei procurorului în procesul penal

Vulnerabilităţi procesuale derivate din reglementarea competenţei procurorului în procesul penal

Dr. Laurenţiu SORESCU


The article discusses the general shortcomings of the criminal procedural legislation that started from the way in which the current Code of Criminal Procedure was conceived. These shortcomings were signalled by the representatives of the legal professions at the time of the discussion in the Romanian Parliament, but the legislature finally ignored them. The author analyzes the impact of such situations on criminal proceedings and proposes that in the future, the legislature, in close collaboration with the Advocate of the People and the Constitutional Court of Romania, should work hard and carefully in order to avoid vulnerabilities that are obvious to any objective observer.

Keywords: criminal procedural legislation, transitional norms, prosecutor, Constitutional Court.


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