TICLEA Alexandru, Violenţa domestică şi lumea muncii

Publicare: Revista Romana de Dreptul Muncii 1 din 2024
Tip: Doctrina

Violenţa domestică şi lumea muncii

Violenţa domestică şi lumea muncii

Prof. univ. dr. Alexandru ŢICLEA


The International Labour Organization Convention No. 190 and Recommendation No. 206 from 2019 regarding violence and harassment in the world of work also address domestic violence and its reverberations on the work environment.

Victims of such violence will experience negative impacts on their workplace performance, decreased productivity, may disrupt the collective they belong to, and may be absent from work due to domestic violence, etc. That is why it is an imperative to protect them through the combined action of employers and unions/worker representatives by negotiating contractual clauses with such objectives, etc.

Keywords: harassment, domestic violence, victim protection, trade unions, employer.


Convenţia Organizaţiei Internaţionale a Muncii nr. 190 şi Recomandarea nr. 206 din anul 2019 cu privire la violenţa şi hărţuirea în lumea muncii vizează şi violenţa domestică, reverberaţiile acesteia asupra...

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