DRAGHICI Aurelia, BODOASCA Teodor, Veniturile soţilor din muncă şi cele asimilate acestora potrivit Codului civil

Publicare: Revista Dreptul 3 din 2014
Tip: Doctrina

Veniturile soţilor din muncă şi cele asimilate acestora potrivit Codului civil

Veniturile soţilor din muncă şi cele asimilate acestora potrivit Codului civil


* e-mail: bodoasca_teodor@yahoo.com

Prof. univ. - Universitatea "Dimitrie Cantemir", Târgu-Mureş


** e-mail: teodora24a@yahoo.com

Lect. univ. - Academia Forţelor Terestre "Nicolae Bălcescu", Sibiu


This study has as object the logical and legal analysis of the conditions in which, according to Article 341 of the Civil Code, the incomes from work, the sums of money payable as pension within the social insurance system and others similar, as well as the incomes payable under an intellectual property right are considered common assets jointly owned by spouses.

The study also includes analyses relating to the categories of incomes and sums that, under Article 341 of the Civil Code, are considered common assets jointly owned by spouses.

Keywords: marriage; matrimonial regime; common assets jointly owned; incomes from work.

1. Precizări prealabile. Cu titlu de noutate, art.

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