SFERDIAN Irina, Teoria dezmembrării dreptului de proprietate privată. Teze şi antiteze

Publicare: Revista Romana de Drept al Afacerilor 6 din 2019
Tip: Doctrina

Teoria dezmembrării dreptului de proprietate privată. Teze şi antiteze

Teoria dezmembrării dreptului de proprietate privată. Teze şi antiteze

prof. univ. dr. Irina SFERDIAN

Facultatea de Drept, Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara


We set out to analyze a theory according to which the real (in rem) right over another person’s property is placed within the content of a real relationship, a relationship in which the subjects cannot be totally independent, in which there may exist - concomitantly - a right with erga omnes opposability, but also a special passive conduct, assumed, of the owner, as soon as they understood to constitute, in favour of another, a real right over their property. The dismemberment of ownership implies the establishment of a particular assignation of the property by the owner, but it represents more than a simple technique of assignation. The dismemberment of ownership involves the detachment of prerogatives from the content of property, which can be quantified, and which the owner perceives as a burden on their property. Since...

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