IUGAN Andrei Viorel, Soluţionarea propunerii de arestare preventivă în cursul urmăririi penale. Aspecte procedurale

Publicare: Revista Dreptul 6 din 2022
Tip: Doctrina

Soluţionarea propunerii de arestare preventivă în cursul urmăririi penale. Aspecte procedurale

Soluţionarea propunerii de arestare preventivă în cursul urmăririi penale. Aspecte procedurale

Asist. univ. dr. ANDREI VIOREL IUGAN*

* e-mail: andyiugan@yahoo.com

Judecător - Curtea de Apel Bucureşti


The preventive measures are institutions of criminal law of a coercive nature, by which the suspect or defendant is prevented from engaging in certain activities that would adversely affect the conduct of the criminal proceedings or the achievement of the purpose of the criminal proceedings.

The preventive measures provided in the Code of Criminal Procedure in our country are: detention, judicial control, judicial control on bail, house arrest and pre-trial detention.

Of these, pre-trial detention is the measure that generates the most important problems in judicial practice. In this study, we do not intend to make an exhaustive analysis of this preventive measure or to present in detail the conditions for its disposal.

Keywords: preventive measures; coercition; prevention; pre-trial...

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