FRASIE Elena Andreea, Soluţionarea plângerilor penale privind infracţiuni prevăzute de Codul muncii. Obligaţiile procurorului

Publicare: Revista Romana de Dreptul Muncii 9 din 2014
Tip: Doctrina

Soluţionarea plângerilor penale privind infracţiuni prevăzute de Codul muncii. Obligaţiile procurorului

Soluţionarea plângerilor penale privind infracţiuni prevăzute de Codul muncii. Obligaţiile procurorului

Av. Elena-Andreea FRASIE


The most serious illegal acts that an employer may commit against an employee are incriminated as crimes, and the employee has only one means of defense: the criminal complaint.

For criminal complaints to be effective and achieve their purpose, all legal systems of the world state an essential condition: the prosecutor must not be abusive. The abusive prosecutor has a specific feature, which utterly defines him: he denies the obvious.

This is exactly what happened în a recent case: în order to close a case în which the employer was accused of a series of offenses, the prosecutor denied what, according to the law, may not be denied.

Keywords: employee, crimes, the criminal complaint, series of offenses, the prosecutor


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