MEDEANU Tiberiu, Sistemul integrat de cadastru şi carte funciară. Reglementări, imperfecţiuni, impedimente şi propuneri

Publicare: Pandectele Romane 1 din 2019
Tip: Doctrina

Sistemul integrat de cadastru şi carte funciară. Reglementări, imperfecţiuni, impedimente şi propuneri

Sistemul integrat de cadastru şi carte funciară. Reglementări, imperfecţiuni, impedimente şi propuneri

Prof. dr. Tiberiu MEDEANU

Facultatea de drept

Universitatea de Vest Timişoara


Law no. 7/1996 provided for the implementation of a national program, aiming at the free registration of buildings in the integrated cadastre and land registry system, realization of the cadastral plan of the buildings and the opening of land books at the level of all administrative-territorial units. In subsequent years there have been numerous changes and legislative amendments, but the results were not what they expected.

Government Emergency Ordinance no. 35/2016 provided for a revival of these measures end the allocation of sums from the budget of the National Agency for Cadastre and Real Estate Advertising, but there is a risk of not being realized, for legislative and organizational reasons.

The state of systematic registration is inappropriate and risk to fail unless effective operational measures...

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