CATANA Emilia Lucia, Serviciile publice şi spaţiul cibernetic. Implicaţii ale Legii nr. 58/2023

Publicare: Pandectele Romane 4 din 2023
Tip: Doctrina

Serviciile publice şi spaţiul cibernetic. Implicaţii ale Legii nr. 58/2023

Serviciile publice şi spaţiul cibernetic. Implicaţii ale Legii nr. 58/2023

Prof. univ. dr. Emilia Lucia CĂTANĂ*

* e-mail:

Universitatea "Dimitrie Cantemir" din Târgu-Mureş

Profesor asociat/invitat, Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galaţi

Avocat Baroul Mureş


Law no. 58/2023 establishes the legal and institutional framework regarding the organization and development of activities in the fields of cyber security and defense, the cooperation mechanisms and the responsibilities of the institutions with attributions in the mentioned fields. From the statement of reasons for this law, we note that it was adopted considering that cyber attacks and threats can completely paralyze public institutions, critical infrastructures and public services, with the need for the state to be able to institute even exceptional situations, if necessary, in accordance with the limits and the conditions imposed by the Constitution.

Cybersecurity being a broad topic of analysis, in this...

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