RAMNICEANU Vicentiu Traian, Scrisoarea de aşteptări, guvernarea corporatistă şi statul-acţionar

Publicare: Revista Romana de Drept al Afacerilor 6 din 2016
Tip: Doctrina

Scrisoarea de aşteptări, guvernarea corporatistă şi statul-acţionar

Scrisoarea de aşteptări, guvernarea corporatistă şi statul-acţionar

drd. Vicenţiu RÂMNICEANU


Amendments brought to G.E.O. 109/2011 by Law 111/2016 upgrade Romanian company law from corporate governance principles perspective. State as shareholder switch its position in respect to SOE (state owned entreprises) by no further inactively awaiting outcomes, but attending to setup of general goals and of their mission, related to the expected contribution for the achievement of the governance programme. Amendments are substantial and outline an improved SOE corporate governance mechanism, generating expectations not only among candidates to the director function, or among SOE, but especially from the State as shareholder, from public tutelary authorities and their internal corporate governance structures.

Keywords: shareholders’ letter to management, corporate governance; state-owned entreprises, State-shareholder


Modificarea Ordonanţei de urgenţă a Guvernului nr. 109/2011prin...

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