Inalta Curte de Casatie si Justitie, TANDAREANU Nicoleta, Revizuire întemeiată pe dispoziţiile art. 322 pct. 10 C. pr. civ. Condiţii de admisibilitate

Publicare: Revista Romana de Jurisprudenta 3 din 2016
Tip: Jurisprudenta

Revizuire întemeiată pe dispoziţiile art. 322 pct. 10 C. pr. civ. Condiţii de admisibilitate

Revizuire întemeiată pe dispoziţiile art. 322 pct. 10 C. pr. civ. Condiţii de admisibilitate

Revision based on the provisions of art. 322 point 10 of the Code of civil procedure. Conditions of admissibility


By introducing point 10 of art. 322 of the Code of civil procedure, the lawmaker regulated the remedy of the revision of a final judgment, delivered in the cases in which a plea of unconstitutionality was subsequently granted, for the purpose of providing the means of defense in order to achieve the parties’ rights and interests before the court.

Therefore, in order for the revision based on the provisions of art. 322 point 10 of the Code of civil procedure to be granted, it is necessary, after the delivery of a final judgment in a case in which the plea of unconstitutionality was invoked for a law or ordinance or certain legal provisions of a law or ordinance, that the Constitutional Court should rule for the purpose of granting the plea of unconstitutionality invoked in that...

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