TOADER Ovidiu, Repere noi privind natura juridică a răspunderii administrativ-patrimoniale pentru daunele cauzate prin acte administrative ilegale

Publicare: Revista Dreptul 9 din 2023
Tip: Doctrina

Repere noi privind natura juridică a răspunderii administrativ-patrimoniale pentru daunele cauzate prin acte administrative ilegale

Repere noi privind natura juridică a răspunderii administrativ-patrimoniale pentru daunele cauzate prin acte administrative ilegale


* Doctorand în cadrul Facultăţii de Drept a Universităţii “Babeş-Bolyai” din Cluj-Napoca, sub coordonarea prof. univ. dr. Ovidiu Podaru; e-mail:


The legal liability is one of the main issues regarding the responsibility in administrative law. Therefore, the legal liability is able to exercise influence upon our society to some extent only by identifying the person responsible for ignoring the social values protected by law, in order to establish his/her liability.

Let us stress upon the fact that the effectiveness of legal liability may determine, to a greater or a smaller extent, the establishment, re-establishment and even the survival of the rule of law.

The society is more likely to take into consideration the legal liability, referring to the social and political background of these days, as well, if the...

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