CHELARU Eugen, Reificarea persoanei fizice şi gestaţia pentru altul

Publicare: Revista Dreptul 6 din 2021
Tip: Doctrina

Reificarea persoanei fizice şi gestaţia pentru altul

Reificarea persoanei fizice şi gestaţia pentru altul


Prof. univ. - Universitatea din Piteşti


We are witnessing tremendous progress in the fields of biology and medicine, which consist the possibility to take human cells, tissues and organs for the purpose of their transplantation into another subject’s body, genetic engineering operations, medically assisted human procreation and many other such revolutionary techniques. All of these have proven to be two-edged weapons: on the one hand, they can be used to save lives or to help some couples who, under normal conditions, cannot procreate to give birth to the much-desired children and, on the other hand, they can turn into threats to the human genome or to the social cohesion.

It has become necessary for man himself to be the object of legal protection, and, at the same time, a new category of things has emerged, namely the biological products of the human body and the elements detached therefrom, which are...

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