DIMITRIU Raluca, Reflecţii privind suspendarea contractului individual de muncă şi necesitatea regândirii reglementării acesteia cuprinsă în Codul muncii

Publicare: Revista Dreptul 2 din 2015
Tip: Doctrina

Reflecţii privind suspendarea contractului individual de muncă şi necesitatea regândirii reglementării acesteia cuprinsă în Codul muncii

Reflecţii privind suspendarea contractului individual de muncă şi necesitatea regândirii reglementării acesteia cuprinsă în Codul muncii


* e-mail: raluca.dimitriu@cig.ase.ro

Prof. univ. - Departamentul Drept, Academia de Studii Economice - Bucureşti


The current modality of regulating the institution of suspension can raise two categories of problems: on the one hand, problems of systematization of the matter, problems of qualification of the various cases of suspension as being of law, on the initiative of the employee, on the initiative of the employer or by the parties’ agreement, problems of drafting of suspension assumptions and problems of drafting of the regulation. On the other hand, the current regulation also creates difficulties of substance, which can lead to confusions and inconsistencies. Based on the consideration of the legislator’s option to group the different causes for suspension within the same chapter - otherwise a meritorious option -,...

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