HALIL Adinan, DUMITRACHE Bogdan, Reflecţii cu privire la necesitatea modificării art. 274 din Codul vamal

Publicare: Pandectele Romane 6 din 2019
Tip: Doctrina

Reflecţii cu privire la necesitatea modificării art. 274 din Codul vamal

Reflecţii cu privire la necesitatea modificării art. 274 din Codul vamal

Drd. Bogdan Mihai DUMITRU

Universitatea Titu Maiorescu

Judecător Judecătoria Constanţa

Drd. Adinan HALIL

Universitatea Titu Maiorescu

Judecător Judecătoria Galaţi


Through this study we intend to demonstrate the need to amend art. 274 of Law no. 86/2006 on the Customs Code. At this moment, the criminal legislation that incriminates the assimilated smuggling offence, provided in art. 270(3) of Law no. 86/2006 related to art. 274 of the same normative act, leads to exaggerated punishments, with deprivation of liberty, as related to the concrete social danger of the acts for which the defendants are prosecuted. We appreciate that these changes are in the spirit of the current Romanian criminal philosophy initiated by the legislature in 2014.

Keywords: Customs Code, smuggling, legal aggravation, mitigating circumstances.


Prin intermediul prezentului studiu ne propunem să demonstrăm necesitatea modificării art....

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