ROLEA Alexandra-Gabriela, Redresarea societăţii prin procedura mandatului ad-hoc

Publicare: Pandectele Romane 11 din 2014
Tip: Doctrina

Redresarea societăţii prin procedura mandatului ad-hoc

Redresarea societăţii prin procedura mandatului ad-hoc

Avocat, drd. Alexandra-Gabriela ROLEA


The enactment of Law no 85 of 2014 regarding the procedures of insolvency prevention and insolvency has been extremely convenient in terms of timing, as the financial predicaments of the economic agents are far from beeing settled.

The regulation’s significance is not so much embedded within the streamline of the procedure through which the supervised demise of the non-lucrative companies occurs and the creditors’ debts are cleared, but especially in the reinstatement paths-a second chance-offered to those who are able to regain their previous status.

The current study describes the most straightforward and expeditious legal path through which the debtor that undergoes financial difficulties may be rescued: the ad-hoc warrant.

Aspects such as the commencement of the procedure, its unfolding and closure, the role of the ad-hoc agent and that of the court will be thoroughly analyzed.


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