HORTOLOMEI Mariana, Recunoaştere hotărâre judecătorească străină. Diferenţa minimă de vârstă între adoptat şi adoptator, element al ordinii publice de drept internaţional privat român

Publicare: Revista Romana de Jurisprudenta 1 din 2019
Tip: Jurisprudenta

Recunoaştere hotărâre judecătorească străină. Diferenţa minimă de vârstă între adoptat şi adoptator, element al ordinii publice de drept internaţional privat român

Recunoaştere hotărâre judecătorească străină. Diferenţa minimă de vârstă între adoptat şi adoptator, element al ordinii publice de drept internaţional privat român

Acknowledgment of foreign judgment. The minimum age difference between the adopted child and the adopter, a public order element of Romanian private international law


The national regulation in the matter of adoption, respectively art. 460 paragraph (2) of the Civil Code: “The age difference - (...) (2) For grounded reasons, the guardianship court may approve the adoption even if the age difference between the adopted child and the adopter is less than 18 years, but not less than 16 years”, considered from the perspective of the European normative context previously designed by art. 9 of the European Convention on the Adoption of Children revised, adopted in Strasbourg on 27 November 2008, signed by Romania in Strasbourg on 4 March 2009 and which became effective on 1 September 2011, according to which: “(1) A child...

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