Curtea de Apel CONSTANTA, Răspunderea patrimonială a administratorului public. Prejudiciul creat prin efectuarea de deplasări internaţionale de către angajaţii primăriei - modalităţi de recuperare

Publicare: Revista Romana de Jurisprudenta 5 din 2020
Tip: Jurisprudenta

Răspunderea patrimonială a administratorului public. Prejudiciul creat prin efectuarea de deplasări internaţionale de către angajaţii primăriei - modalităţi de recuperare

Răspunderea patrimonială a administratorului public. Prejudiciul creat prin efectuarea de deplasări internaţionale de către angajaţii primăriei - modalităţi de recuperare

Patrimonial liability of the public receiver. The damage created with the international trips of the city hall employees - means of recovery


The deed imputed through the statement of claim concerns the non-observance of the legal conditions for trips abroad, a deed committed by the defendant as authorizing officer. It was held in this respect that "The authorizing officers have the obligation to commit and use the budgetary loans only within the approved provisions and destinations, for expenses strictly related to the activity of said public institutions and in compliance with the legal provisions" (Article 23 of Law 273/2006)

The court ruled that it is essential in this case to establish the cause of the damage alleged by the claimant, and this consists in approving the trip of employees by the head of the...

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