CRACIUNEAN Laura-Maria, Propuneri de lege ferenda în ceea ce priveşte raportul dintre dreptul internaţional public şi dreptul intern român

Publicare: Revista Dreptul 5 din 2015
Tip: Doctrina

Propuneri de lege ferenda în ceea ce priveşte raportul dintre dreptul internaţional public şi dreptul intern român

Propuneri de lege ferenda în ceea ce priveşte raportul dintre dreptul internaţional public şi dreptul intern român


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Conferenţiar universitar - Facultatea de Drept, Universitatea "Lucian Blaga" - Sibiu


Currently, under the increasingly intense and diverse interactions between countries, due to the unprecedented mobility of individuals, in space, or to the dynamics of public international law, as such, (for example, in international human rights or international criminal law) the theoretical model that governs the relationship between international law and domestic law has become a topical one.

In addition, the existence of several supra-state forms of cooperation, such as the European Union, bring into question the relationship that is being established, on the one hand, between the law of those forms of cooperation and the Member States national law and, on the other hand, between the former and general international...

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