MURPHY Anthony, Proprietatea fiduciară şi Codul civil român. Scurtă analiză istorică şi comparată

Publicare: Revista Dreptul 10 din 2022
Tip: Doctrina

Proprietatea fiduciară şi Codul civil român. Scurtă analiză istorică şi comparată

Proprietatea fiduciară şi Codul civil român. Scurtă analiză istorică şi comparată


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Asist. univ. - Facultatea de Drept şi Ştiinţe Administrative, Universitatea "Ovidius" din Constanţa


This article examines the fiduciary property through a historical and comparative analysis of the legislation and doctrine of Quebec, France and Romania. The contemporary fiducia ought not to be confused for the Roman fiducia, whose name it borrowed. As a result of the reception of the Anglo-American trust in the mixed legal system of the Canadian province of Quebec, the fiducia has been the subject of subsequent legal transplants into the continental tradition. The Romanian legislator, inspired by its French counterpart, took over the restrictions brought to the fiducia in said legal system. In the matter of real rights, this legislative option also meant the rejection of the doctrine of an ownerless patrimony, an innovation of the legal...

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