URECHE Lazar-Ciprian, MOLOMAN Bogdan Dumitru, Problematica aplicării deficitare a actelor normative recente privind majorarea salariilor angajaţilor din cadrul administraţiei publice locale ce îndeplinesc atribuţii de asistenţă socială

Publicare: Revista Romana de Jurisprudenta 1 din 2016
Tip: Doctrina

Problematica aplicării deficitare a actelor normative recente privind majorarea salariilor angajaţilor din cadrul administraţiei publice locale ce îndeplinesc atribuţii de asistenţă socială

Problematica aplicării deficitare a actelor normative recente privind majorarea salariilor angajaţilor din cadrul administraţiei publice locale ce îndeplinesc atribuţii de asistenţă socială

Inspector principal Bogdan-Dumitru Moloman

Avocat Lazăr-Ciprian Ureche

The issue of the weak enforcement of the recent normative acts regarding the increase of salaries of the employees of the local public administration who perform social assistance duties


This is not the first time when the lawmaker’s striving regarding the enforceability of a normative act is not felt or understood, despite the express, clear and concise provision of its will.

This is also the case of the unjust interpretation of the legal provisions composing Law no. 293/2015 and the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 27/2014 regarding the method of calculation of the salary for the month of December 2015 of the persons performing social assistance duties.

In this study, the authors try to make an analysis regarding the...

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