FODOR Maria, Proba prin rapoartele de expertiză în procesul civil (II)

Publicare: Revista Dreptul 2 din 2020
Tip: Doctrina

Proba prin rapoartele de expertiză în procesul civil (II)

Proba prin rapoartele de expertiză în procesul civil (II)


Prof. univ. - Facultatea de Drept, Universitatea Ecologică din Bucureşti


The motivated findings and conclusions of the expert or of the laboratory or specialized institute from which the expertise has been requested will be recorded in a written report. Exceptionally, when the expertise is carried out in front of the body that disposed/ordered its execution, the expertise report may be oral.

The form of the expertise report also depends on the nature, as well as the specificity of the problem that generated the expertise. In all cases where the expertise requires time, documentations, travels, researches, analyses, laboratory tests, etc., the expertise report will take the written form. In case the expert can immediately express his opinion on the factual circumstance whose clarification requires specialized knowledge, he will be heard during the meeting, and his opinion will be recorded in a minutes,...

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