DIMITRIU Raluca, Prezenţa femeilor pe piaţa muncii

Publicare: Revista Romana de Dreptul Muncii 9 din 2016
Tip: Doctrina

Prezenţa femeilor pe piaţa muncii

Prezenţa femeilor pe piaţa muncii

Prof. univ. dr. Raluca DIMITRIU


The paper includes a presentation of the most important European and Romanian legal rules in the matter of gender equality, as well as some difficulties in their application. The paper analyzes the most important solutions of the Court of Justice of the European Union, which set up a new approach of the discrimination issues. It is also presented how the EU rules have echoed the Romanian employment policies. There are shown the different types of holidays enshrined in Romanian legislation, in order to support families and women. By their number and duration, such leaves exceed the usual European standards as regards to job protection. During these holidays dismissal is usually prohibited.

The paper also includes certain de lege ferenda proposals, especially on the prohibition of dismissal or on the application of the principle of wages’ confidentiality.

It also includes the issue of the role of the law in this...

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