SECOSAN Ferdinand, Posesia in bonis. Convenţii de transmisiune a posesiei

Publicare: Pandectele Romane 2 din 2023
Tip: Doctrina

Posesia in bonis. Convenţii de transmisiune a posesiei

Posesia in bonis. Convenţii de transmisiune a posesiei

Avocat Ferdinand SECOŞAN

Baroul Timiş


The "prescriptive scheme" in the ideological systems of ideas is criticized for its lack of realism. The current theory of possession has an ideological aura in part because it is partly disconnected from some realities of the civil circuit, realities operating in perfect and unnatural parallelism with the theory of possession. Each with their own world, with their own problems and with their own solutions. A century ago, the famous Roman law specialist I.C. Cătuneanu noted the following: "The jurisconsult from the classical period [...] surpasses the modern scholar in that he maintains contact with practical life. Through the needs of this environment, in which law is unconsciously developed, he constantly clarifies his science and fully understands that theory is shed light on by going along with practice". This article is an attempt in this sense, in the field of the practice and theory...

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