TICLEA Alexandru, Perioada de probă

Publicare: Revista Romana de Dreptul Muncii 1 din 2021
Tip: Doctrina

Perioada de probă

Perioada de probă

Prof. univ. dr. Alexandru ŢICLEA


For the purpose of the practical verification, in the workplace, of the employee’s skills, the parties may establish in their contract a trial period of no more than 90 days for operational positions and a maximum of 120 days for management positions.

It follows that the trial period is not mandatory (except for disabled persons, which in this case is the only form of verification of professional skills), it is optional, at the discretion of the parties. It is a distinct and special clause in the individual employment contract. In point of legal nature, this clause is one of termination of the contract since within the established term, the individual employment contract may be discharged, exclusively, by a written notification of either party.

Keywords: trial period, pregnant employee, termination of employment contract, written notification.


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