TEOC Ana Maria, Particularităţi privind subiecţii procesuali în etapa recursului

Publicare: Revista Dreptul 11 din 2023
Tip: Doctrina

Particularităţi privind subiecţii procesuali în etapa recursului

Particularităţi privind subiecţii procesuali în etapa recursului


* Doctorand al Facultăţii de Drept din cadrul Universităţii din Bucureşti, e-mail: ana.teoc@yahoo.com


This study is meant to analyze certain aspects in respect of third parties' participation in second appeal judgement, respectively to some legal aspects of the accessory motion to intervene made directly in front of the second appeal judgement (this being the only form of intervention which can be done in front of the second appeal court) and the mandatory procedural co-participation of parties in a case file.

In respect of the accessory motion to intervene made in front of the second appeal court the following matters are analyzed: the position in the dispute of the third party who issues an accessory motion to intervene in case of remanding the case for retrial; the possibility of issuing an accessory motion to intervene in case of an inadmissible second appeal motion and the possibility of...

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