VIZIRU Cirpian Sorin, Particularităţi privind noţiunea de ''părţi'' în cauzele aferente procedurii insolvenţei, reglementate prin Legea nr. 85/2014

Publicare: Revista Dreptul 6 din 2015
Tip: Doctrina

Particularităţi privind noţiunea de ''părţi'' în cauzele aferente procedurii insolvenţei, reglementate prin Legea nr. 85/2014

Particularităţi privind noţiunea de "părţi" în cauzele aferente procedurii insolvenţei, reglementate prin Legea nr. 85/2014


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Judecător - Tribunalul Bucureşti


This paper aims to make an analysis of the judicial trials and applications related to the insolvency procedure, from the perspective of the subjects of law who have legal standing in these cases.

Having in view general notions and principles of the lawsuit, as well as derogatory provisions provided by the current insolvency law, there have been analyzed relevant aspects referring to the notion of processual parties in these cases, the delimitation of the notion of participants in the insolvency procedure, the criteria for determining the parties and the subjects of law which may be parties in these cases.

In relation to concrete applications, actions and contestations related to insolvency, there have been presented not only the manner in which participate in the trial the...

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