TICLEA Alexandru, Opinii privind principiul legalităţii abaterilor disciplinare

Publicare: Revista Dreptul 10 din 2018
Tip: Doctrina

Opinii privind principiul legalităţii abaterilor disciplinare

Opinii privind principiul legalităţii abaterilor disciplinare


Prof. univ. - Şcoala Doctorală de Drept, Academia de Poliţie "Alexandru Ioan Cuza"


In this article the author’s opinion is in favour of the existence of the principle of the legality of misconducts, in the sense that in order for a certain illegal act to constitute such a misconduct it must be qualified as such by law, as the case may be, by statutory, contractual dispositions or unequivocally resulting from the legal orders of the hierarchical leaders. It can not be arbitrarily or subjectively determined by the employer, according to his discretionary will.

From this point of view there is a complete resemblance to the criminal law which enshrines the principle of legality of incrimination, that is of the establishment and enumeration of the offences - the sole basis of the criminal liability.

Keywords: illegal act; misconduct; principle of legality; offence; disciplinary liability; criminal...

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