VERESS Emod, Observaţii critice privind Legea nr. 223/2020: societatea cu răspundere limitată ca subiect de experimentare legislativă

Publicare: Revista Dreptul 5 din 2021
Tip: Doctrina

Observaţii critice privind Legea nr. 223/2020: societatea cu răspundere limitată ca subiect de experimentare legislativă

Observaţii critice privind Legea nr. 223/2020: societatea cu răspundere limitată ca subiect de experimentare legislativă


Prof. univ. - Universitatea "Sapientia" din Cluj-Napoca, Departamentul de ştiinţe juridice

Cercetător ştiinţific grad I - Institutul de Drept Comparat "Ferenc Madl" din Budapesta, Directorul Departamentului de drept privat


Simplification and debureaucratization, in many cases, indeed, lead to a positive result. However, the complexity and apparent bureaucratization of some institutions and procedures, in many cases, have a well-defined, useful, even necessary role. The elimination of functional and strict requirements may drive the expected rationalization but an undesirable adverse effect: dysfunctions and legal uncertainty. These ideas can be best illustrated by the recent amendment of the Law No 31/1990 on companies, through Law No 23/2020 for the simplification and debureaucratization of the transfer of shares ("social parts") and the payment...

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