POP Liviu, Obligaţia de informare precontractuală - mijloc juridic de protecţie a consimţământului la încheierea contractelor

Publicare: Revista Dreptul 6 din 2017
Tip: Doctrina

Obligaţia de informare precontractuală - mijloc juridic de protecţie a consimţământului la încheierea contractelor

Obligaţia de informare precontractuală - mijloc juridic de protecţie a consimţământului la încheierea contractelor

dr. h.c. LIVIU POP*

* e-mail: czegelye@yahoo.com

Profesor emerit - Universitatea "Babeş-Bolyai" din Cluj -Napoca

Membru corespondent al Academiei Române


At the beginning of this study, the author makes an exposition of the economic and contractual environment whose needs have determined the necessity of recognition by the legal doctrine and by the case law and then the legislative consecration of the existence of a general obligation of pre-contractual information as duty of the participants in the civil circuit. The legal basis for this obligation has been found and discovered, by way of interpretation, in the texts of the Civil Code that establish the principle of good faith in the negotiation, conclusion and execution of contracts. The author also points out that there are numerous provisions mostly in the legislation connected to the Civil Code, which pertains to...

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