VARTOLOMEI Brandusa, STEFANESCU Ion Traian, Obligaţia de informare în contextul naşterii şi executării raporturilor juridice de muncă

Publicare: Revista Romana de Dreptul Muncii 6 din 2016
Tip: Doctrina

Obligaţia de informare în contextul naşterii şi executării raporturilor juridice de muncă

Obligaţia de informare în contextul naşterii şi executării raporturilor juridice de muncă

Prof. univ. emerit dr. Ion Traian ŞTEFĂNESCU

Conf. univ. dr. Brînduşa VARTOLOMEI


This paper analyses in extenso the legal provisions belonging to labor law which regulate the information of the employees within the context of the creation and the performance of the labor juridical relations.

The paper presents, in an analytical manner, aspects concerning the individual information, as well as the collective information for the purpose of collective bargaining at the moment of collective dismissal and, respectively of the transfer of the enterprise, unit or parts of them.

The paper highlights especially the legal junction between the special legal rules of labor law and the common-law provisions (civil law) by emphasizing the fact that the particularities of employee’s information by the employer, as compared with the offer to conclude the contract are determined by the real specificity of the...

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