CRETU Fabian-Eduard, Necesită dolul o eroare scuzabilă? Reflecţii privind obligaţia de autoinformare

Publicare: Revista Dreptul 4 din 2022
Tip: Doctrina

Necesită dolul o eroare scuzabilă? Reflecţii privind obligaţia de autoinformare

Necesită dolul o eroare scuzabilă? Reflecţii privind obligaţia de autoinformare


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Avocat - Baroul Bucureşti


Through this study we have tried to evoke an issue insufficiently addressed in the Romanian law, but which has provoked a series of controversies in the French doctrine and case law. Specifically, we tried to answer the following question: Does dolus require an excusable error? Or if, on the contrary, the (un)excusable nature of the error caused has no relevance for the retention of dolus?

Following the presentation of the arguments expressed in the Hexagon, but also by certain Romanian authors, we will present our own point of view on this issue. In our opinion, according to the current Romanian civil regulation, dolus requires the existence of an excusable error, in opposition, for example, with the solution chosen by the French legislator in 2016 or with the vision of the editors of the UNIDROIT Principles. The Romanian...

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