FAUR Cristian, Motivele de casare în procedura contenciosului administrativ român

Publicare: Revista Dreptul 5 din 2022
Tip: Doctrina

Motivele de casare în procedura contenciosului administrativ român

Motivele de casare în procedura contenciosului administrativ român


* Doctorand al Facultăţii de Drept din cadrul Universităţii de Vest din Timişoara; e-mail: cristian.badescu91@e-uvt.ro


The review is the only legal remedy that can be declared against the judgments of first instance pronounced by the administrative contentious sections. The former regulation of the Civil Procedure Code established that the review is devolutive, only insofar as the reviewed judgment cannot be contested by appeal. At present, being an extraordinary legal remedy, the review can only concern grounds of illegality of the judgment pronounced by the court of first instance. The present study has as object the analysis of the grounds for cassation listed by the Romanian legislator in Article 488of the Civil Procedure Code from the perspective of the matter of administrative contentious. Thus, each ground for cassation will be briefly analyzed separately, from the perspective of...

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