FILOTE-IOVU Ioana-Anamaria, Medierea, ca metodă alternativă de soluţionare a diferendelor

Publicare: Revista Dreptul 11 din 2022
Tip: Doctrina

Medierea, ca metodă alternativă de soluţionare a diferendelor

Medierea, ca metodă alternativă de soluţionare a diferendelor


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Judecător - Judecătoria Sectorului 2 Bucureşti


In this study, the author aims to present the relevant aspects of mediation, as an alternative means of resolving disputes that the parties may use by virtue of availability, highlighting both its advantages and the reasons why the law governing it has become increasingly less applied.

In addition, there are situations in which the courts have been called to approve mediation agreements, but also the author’s opinion regarding the need to use the optional procedure, except for disputes in the field of family law, which should be analyzed by judges, who are the most able to pronounce solutions that correspond most faithfully to the best interests of the child.

Keywords: features of mediation; mediation procedure; unconstitutionality; jurisprudence; judicial stamp duty.

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