SMARANDACHE Lavinia Elena, Mecanisme de soluţionare extrajudiciară a conflictelor dintre instituţiile de credit şi consumatori

Publicare: Revista Romana de Drept al Afacerilor 7 din 2016
Tip: Doctrina

Mecanisme de soluţionare extrajudiciară a conflictelor dintre instituţiile de credit şi consumatori

Mecanisme de soluţionare extrajudiciară a conflictelor dintre instituţiile de credit şi consumatori

Lect. univ. dr. Lavinia Elena SMARANDACHE (STUPARU)

Facultatea de Drept, Universitatea din Craiova


The context in recent years, tailored by the distrust in financial-banking activities manifested by customers such are consumers, and by the existence in this field of a high number of ongoing disputes, has determined and justified the improvement of the legislation concerning the mechanisms of alternative and supplementary access to justice. Numerous alternative methods of dispute settlement can be identified in this respect, regardless of whether the transactions that generated the conflictual situation were concluded electronically or in print, nationally or transnationally. The settlement of conflicts in the financial sector outside courts offers consumers mainly time and cost related advantages. Regardless of the accessed extra-judicial settlement mechanism, if it fails, the...

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