CIORNEI Carmen Marcela, Legea venitului minim de incluziune - între intenţie şi costuri ale implementării

Publicare: Revista Romana de Dreptul Muncii 3 din 2024
Tip: Doctrina

Legea venitului minim de incluziune - între intenţie şi costuri ale implementării

Legea venitului minim de incluziune - între intenţie şi costuri ale implementării

Şef serviciu Protecţie Socială Carmen Marcela CIORNEI

Direcţia de Asistenţă Socială şi Medicală Cluj-Napoca


Guaranteeing the minimum inclusion income is a necessary step to improve the condition of materially deprived persons/families and an expected process of change in the area of social services in Romania, as a basis for activating and empowering people at risk of marginalization and/or social exclusion. The analysis of Law no. 196/2016 on the guaranteed minimum income, with subsequent amendments and completions, can be achieved from several perspectives: political, sociological, economic. The present paper proposes an analysis from the perspective of the legislator's intention to bring a reform in the minimum income guarantee system as well as the impact of the adoption of the law on social services at local level, mandated to implement the provisions of the mentioned normative act.


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