PREDESCU Ovidiu, Justiţia - pilon al statului de drept

Publicare: Revista Dreptul 6 din 2015
Tip: Doctrina

Justiţia - pilon al statului de drept

Justiţia - pilon al statului de drept

Prof. univ. dr. OVIDIU PREDESCU*

* e-mail:

Directorul publicaţiilor "Dreptul"


In this article the author shows that justice is one of the pillars of the state of law, which ensures the implementation of the principle of the rule of law, the foundation on which this type of state is built and developed. Likewise, the author makes brief considerations on the notion of justice, as well as on its administration, especially on the independence of judges and on the impartiality of justice. The analysis takes into account both the European standard and the Romanian law in the matter.

Keywords: justice; independence; impartiality; state of law.

1. Consideraţii introductive. Este o axiomă că civilizaţia a fost şi va fi întotdeauna expusă unor pericole posibile, determinate în principal din interiorul ei prin acţiunea negativă a unor forţe ostile. Identificarea rapidă a acestora, precum şi actualizarea, susţinerea şi (re)activarea...

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