DEDIU Dragos Enrico, GEAMANU Radu Gheorghe, Infracţiunea de încălcare a consemnului. Repere legislative şi jurisprudenţiale

Publicare: Revista Dreptul 8 din 2020
Tip: Doctrina

Infracţiunea de încălcare a consemnului. Repere legislative şi jurisprudenţiale

Infracţiunea de încălcare a consemnului. Repere legislative şi jurisprudenţiale


Consilier juridic - Ministerul Justiţiei


Consilier juridic - Ministerul Justiţiei


According to the legal provisions in force, public institutions and authorities (ministries and other specialized bodies of the central public administration) are obliged by the law to ensure their effective security and protection. Also, the security of the objectives of special importance for the defence of the country and for the activity of the state is provided by gendarmes, which have military status. Although the presence of military personnel in public institutions and public authorities is a requirement imposed by the law in order to protect the premises of the institutions, the measures taken by the authorities for managing the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic determined, inter alia, a substantial involvement, superior to the one existing in normal conditions, of the military...

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