BOAJE Adrian Cornel, Incidenţa prescripţiei extinctive şi a decăderii în situaţia nerespectării unor termene substanţiale reglementate de Codul muncii

Publicare: Revista Romana de Dreptul Muncii 3 din 2020
Tip: Doctrina

Incidenţa prescripţiei extinctive şi a decăderii în situaţia nerespectării unor termene substanţiale reglementate de Codul muncii

Incidenţa prescripţiei extinctive şi a decăderii în situaţia nerespectării unor termene substanţiale reglementate de Codul muncii

Drd. Adrian - Cornel BOAJE

Academia de Poliţie „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”


The incidence of substantial time limits (extinctive prescription or loss of rights) regulated by the Labour Code certainly has a significant positive impact on internal judicial theory and practice, with the need to analyze as thoroughly as possible the two categories of substantial time limits, as well as the legal institutions that are closely related to their application in employment law.

This analysis has the role to contribute as much as possible to the decrease of the controversies expressed both in the specialized doctrine and in the judicial practice, regarding the qualification of the legal nature of the time limits regulated by the labour legislation and of the legal effects they produce in case of non-compliance, as well as the sanctions correlated to their application.


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