TICLEA Alexandru, Încetarea raporturilor de muncă în cazul pensionării

Publicare: Revista Romana de Dreptul Muncii 6 din 2019
Tip: Doctrina

Încetarea raporturilor de muncă în cazul pensionării

Încetarea raporturilor de muncă în cazul pensionării

Prof. univ. dr. Alexandru ŢICLEA


With general character, art. 56 of the Labor Code regulates the termination of the existing individual employment contract in several situations, a printer which includes:

- at the date of cumulative fulfillment of the standard age conditions and the minimum contribution period;

- at the date of communication of the pension decision in the case of the invalidity pension of the third degree, the partial anticipated pension, the unpaid pension, the old-age pension with the reduction of the standard retirement age;

- at the date of the communication of the medical decision on the work capacity in case of invalidity of degree I or II.

At the same time, the legislature allows the continuation of the activity and after reaching the standard retirement age, for both women and men.

Besides the Labor Code, other normative acts refer to the retirement of different professional categories: doctors, teaching...

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