BEJAN Felicia, DIMITRIU Raluca, Impactul jurisprudenţei Înaltei Curţi de Casaţie şi Justiţie asupra evoluţiei dreptului muncii

Publicare: Studii si cercetari juridice 1 din 2022
Tip: Doctrina

Impactul jurisprudenţei Înaltei Curţi de Casaţie şi Justiţie asupra evoluţiei dreptului muncii

Impactul jurisprudenţei Înaltei Curţi de Casaţie şi Justiţie asupra evoluţiei dreptului muncii

dr. Raluca DIMITRIU*, dr. Felicia BEJAN**

* Cercetător ştiinţific gradul I, Institutul de Cercetări Juridice al Academiei Române, e-mail:

** Lector universitar, Facultatea de Ştiinţe Politice, Universitatea Bucureşti, e-mail:

Abstract: The Romanian High Court of Cassation and Justice has played in time an important role in the current shape of labour law, in drawing its boundaries and in customising the most important institutions of this branch of law. The Court did it with pragmatism and creativity; more than once its solutions would be taken over even by the law-maker, in time. The High Court has constantly intervened to make the interpretation of often rigid and bureaucratic legislation more flexible, to make it more easily applicable and to adapt it to changes in the social reality it governs.

In this study, we chose several topics in...

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