BENTE Corneliu, Ghidul privind prevenirea şi combaterea hărţuirii la locul de muncă - o nouă provocare a angajatorilor şi lucrătorilor deopotrivă

Publicare: Revista Romana de Dreptul Muncii 6 din 2023
Tip: Doctrina

Ghidul privind prevenirea şi combaterea hărţuirii la locul de muncă - o nouă provocare a angajatorilor şi lucrătorilor deopotrivă

Ghidul privind prevenirea şi combaterea hărţuirii la locul de muncă - o nouă provocare a angajatorilor şi lucrătorilor deopotrivă

Lector univ. dr. Corneliu BENŢE

Preşedinte UNELM


The Decision of the Government of Romania no. 970 for the approval of the METHODOLOGY regarding the prevention and combating of harassment on grounds of sex, as well as moral harassment in the workplace, brought back to the fore a sensitive subject in labour relations in Romania. This normative act should have been a genuine work tool necessary for professionals in the management of labour relations. However, after analyzing the formulation and the sequence of ideas, we find that the author has ignored the fact that in Romania there are also employers in the private sector, there are micro-enterprises, small, medium and large companies. Similarly, the author did not take into account the provisions of Law no. 24/2000 on legislative drafting norms for the elaboration of normative acts. It seems that he...

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