SPASICI Camelia, Exercitarea dreptului de preempţiune la vânzarea terenurilor agricole, în dispoziţiile legilor speciale

Publicare: Pandectele Romane 3 din 2021
Tip: Doctrina

Exercitarea dreptului de preempţiune la vânzarea terenurilor agricole, în dispoziţiile legilor speciale

Exercitarea dreptului de preempţiune la vânzarea terenurilor agricole, în dispoziţiile legilor speciale

Lect. univ. dr. Camelia SPASICI

Universitatea din Bucureşti

Facultatea de Administraţie şi Afaceri


The right of preemption in the sale of a good is, as a rule, regulated by law.

The main issue of theoretical and practical interest, which is limited to the institution of the right of preemption, is its exercise by its holders.

The exercise of the right of preemption in the sale of a good is regulated differently in the provisions of the Civil Code, compared to those contained in the special laws.

In the above context, the object of the study is exclusively the right of preemption to the sale of agricultural land located outside the built-up area, with special reference to its exercise mechanisms, contained in the provisions of special laws.

The analysis of the evolution of the preemption right, regulated in the special laws adopted after 1989, took into account the provisions of Law...

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