MARICA Mihaela Emilia, Evoluţii recente în materia telemuncii

Publicare: Revista Romana de Dreptul Muncii 5 din 2021
Tip: Doctrina

Evoluţii recente în materia telemuncii

Evoluţii recente în materia telemuncii

Asist. univ. dr. Mihaela-Emilia MARICA

Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti


When talking about labour laws, we are currently witnessing a revolution in the traditional way of working that is affecting all of us today. It involves a recognition of the importance of flexibility in individual employment relationships through the widespread use of telework. Apart from the advantage in terms of flexibility that teleworking offers in Romania, matters are not simple at all from the point of view of the applicable legal regime. We are experiencing a diverse regulatory framework, with rules and derogations, which makes accurate enforcement difficult. Consequently, we will be attempting to review some of the controversial matters related to the enforcement of the legal provisions relating to teleworking.

Keywords: telework, flexible work, non-standard employment, atypical work.


În dreptul muncii asistăm la o revoluţie a modului tradiţional...

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