ILINCA Daniela, Evoluţia legislaţiei în materia insolvenţei din 1989 până în prezent

Publicare: Pandectele Romane 3 din 2021
Tip: Doctrina

Evoluţia legislaţiei în materia insolvenţei din 1989 până în prezent

Evoluţia legislaţiei în materia insolvenţei din 1989 până în prezent

Av. drd. Daniela ILINCA


The insolvency always represented one of the issues of the economic and social life which have constantly concerned the legislator, from the period prior to the year 1989, when it did not benefit from autonomous norms, until the current regulation of the prevention of the insolvency and insolvency proceedings, when we can speak about a real insolvency law.

The freedom of trade, the dinamism of the commercial relations more and more complex, the indebtedness of the participants to the economic and social life were and are sometimes able to generate the inability to pay the debts, with an impact over all of the entites entered into legal relations with the debtor.

Such situations required for the intevention of the legislator, who innitially approached the insolvency state by the establishment of some rather punitive measures over the debtor, as per the regulation of the Commercial Code of...

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