CONT Carmen Maria, Curtea de Apel CLUJ, Dreptul la libera exprimare versus dreptul la demnitate şi la propria imagine

Publicare: Revista Romana de Jurisprudenta 2 din 2019
Tip: Jurisprudenta

Dreptul la libera exprimare versus dreptul la demnitate şi la propria imagine

Dreptul la libera exprimare versus dreptul la demnitate şi la propria imagine

The right to freedom of expression versus the right to dignity and own image


The exercise of the freedom of expression carries duties and responsibilities, the scope of which depends on the situation and the technical means used (Stoll c. Switzerland). The guarantee provided by Article 10 of the Journalists Convention is subject to the condition that those concerned act in good faith, so as to provide accurate and reliable information in compliance with the journalistic deontology.

Despite the need to protect journalistic sources, there is an obligation for journalists to provide a solid factual basis for litigious allegations and that does not require disclosure of the name of the persons who provided the information they relied on in writing their articles (Cumpănă and Mazăre vs. Romania).

The freedom of expression, as established in Art. 10 of the Convention, is one of the essential foundations of a...

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