CLIPA Cristian, Dreptul administrativ, între fragmentare didactică şi unitate ideologică

Publicare: Revista Dreptul 3 din 2017
Tip: Doctrina

Dreptul administrativ, între fragmentare didactică şi unitate ideologică

Dreptul administrativ, între fragmentare didactică şi unitate ideologică


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Conf. univ. - Facultatea de Drept, Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara


In the last decades, administrative law underwent a phenomenon of didactic fragmentation which nobody can ignore today. Numerous monographies within the doctrine of public law, whose purpose - stated in their own titles - is to treat, from multiple perspectives and in a more or less profound manner, (very) narrow subjects of administrative law, have invaded the book market It happened not only in Romania, but also in France, a country which reasonably claims to be the homeland of administrative law as a branch of law, and therefore as a teaching subject, in its current European continental approach. This literary explosion went hand in hand with an unprecedented proliferation of master studies specializations offered by higher education institutions, in the area of administrative law...

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