BODOASCA Teodor, Discuţii despre definiţia familiei şi conţinutul acesteia

Publicare: Pandectele Romane 3 din 2017
Tip: Doctrina

Discuţii despre definiţia familiei şi conţinutul acesteia

Discuţii despre definiţia familiei şi conţinutul acesteia

Prof. univ. dr. Teodor BODOAŞCĂ


The idea of this study was not suggested by the content of an article by which, through its prism, defining the family term, they succeeded only in the reproduction of various legal texts that evoked the sphere of the people who formed it.

Given our previous concerns about the meaning of this important legal concept, we aim, in particular, to support the analysis for the scientific foundation of a legally acceptable definition. We will also evoke some normative solutions, which denote the receptiveness of the "Romanian legislator" to the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights in relation to the scope of the family concept.

Keywords: family, family of common law, extended family, restricted family


Ideea acestui studiu ne-a fost sugerată de conţinutul unui articol prin care, distinsele lui autoare, propunându-şi, printre altele, să definească termenul familie, au reuşit doar...

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