SERBAN Dumitru Daniel, Despre prescripţia răspunderii contravenţionale pentru discriminare

Publicare: Pandectele Romane 3 din 2020
Tip: Doctrina

Despre prescripţia răspunderii contravenţionale pentru discriminare

Despre prescripţia răspunderii contravenţionale pentru discriminare

Dr. Dumitru-Daniel ŞERBAN

Motto: Este o problemă la nivel de proceduri, la nivel de legi, care sunt prost făcute şi nu ţin cont de realitatea în care funcţionăm de zeci de ani. Este lege, dar n-are sancţiune..., aici este problema.


The article analyzes the application of art. 26(4) of the Government Ordinance no. 137/2000, text considered unclear and unconstitutional, from the interpretation of which one cannot infer the beginning and end of the prescription period for the application of the contraventional fine sanction by the National Council for Combating Discrimination.

According to the author, previously, the analyzed ordinance text was clear and did not affect the principle of the security of legal relations, because the perpetrator had a maximum period within which the prescription operated. By Law no. 189/2013 approving the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 19/2013, the text was amended, reaching the...

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