MANGU I Florin, Despre limitele aduse dreptului de proprietate privată prin Legea nr. 238/2004 a petrolului

Publicare: Revista Romana de Drept al Afacerilor 8 din 2016
Tip: Doctrina

Despre limitele aduse dreptului de proprietate privată prin Legea nr. 238/2004 a petrolului

Despre limitele aduse dreptului de proprietate privată prin Legea nr. 238/2004 a petrolului

conf. univ. dr. Florin MANGU

Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara, Facultatea de Drept


The free exercise of the private ownership right on land is limited in terms of the use - as an attribute of it by Law no. 238/2004 of oil, which entitles the owner of natural resources the possibility to use the land soil to conduct on this works that have as the use of the subsoil where the underground deposit is located. The restriction of the private ownership right of the landowner in the subsoil where are the natural resources is conditioned by the proof of general interest and by compensation. Oil agreement holder has a right to use and a right of access to land, for this purpose legislator establishing are easement right.

Keywords: private property, limiting the exercise of the property right, EDO court, Constitutional Court, Petroleum Law, legal easement


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